Saturday, October 27, 2012

Prepping for the weather week-end

Tropical Storm Sandy's on the way, and it looks like this one's going to punch us square in the nose here. Today is prep day as I make sure that the gutters are cleaned out, the drainage ditch is free of obstruction, that all loose items are secured, and that ample stocks of whatever I might need are here and available. My wrist is still mighty sore and I blame Murphy for this, of course. Bad timing for an injury like that, but it can't be helped now. I'll be posting sporadically the next few days, at least until the power goes out. And if any of you happen to be in the area during the storm, it's Hurricane Party time once the work's done and the Lair's reasonably secure. Come on by!


  1. If you need any help today/tomorrow, give me a call. I'm in town for a change.

  2. I wouldn't worry too much. I have a feeling it's being overhyped as usual.

    I will come drink your booze, however...

  3. Be safe; we're missing you.

  4. Glad some comfort food, spare batteries, and a good book (preferably from your local library). Ride it out well.

  5. Thanks gang. We're looking good here so far. Ditch has been cleaned out and gutters are good to go. Now I just need to take a trip to town for any last-minute conveniences and some extra cash and gasoline and Murph and I'll be set. (And K, the Lair has it's own library here...over a thousand books by last estimate. We're well stocked with reading material.)

  6. Sit tight & ride it out; I hope the power stays on for you.

  7. Working on same. Viewing it as winter prep that had to be done anyway. Do you have any extra camp stoves by any chance? I threw my leaky one out and haven't gotten a new one yet.

    Looks like snow may stay to the west so we don't have to deal with that plus high winds.

  8. Yep, I got an extra stove or two. Let me do a quick inspection and/or rehab on one of the spares and I can get it to you later tonight.

  9. Oh--and shame on you for throwing that old camp stove out. If it is a Coleman, it is fixable for just a few bucks no matter how bad any leak.

  10. Anonymous12:26 PM

    You and Murphy stay safe
