Sunday, August 29, 2021

New Orleans Hurricane report. Sunday 0900hrs

 Heavy rain at times last night. No rain now but wind really picking up. Neighbor's tree not making my happy right now as it looms over my back fence and empty chicken pen. The streets are empty now but I've got a month's worth of non-perishable food and bottled water laid in. as a bonus, a lovely young lady that I know dropped off five packages of Oreo cookies yesterday as hurricane snacks. Worried now that I might need more milk but I got cookies. The gas stations were either empty or had very long lines yesterday but I'd already topped off both of my vehicles and set in plenty of extra gas and diesel. Grocery stores are about empty too but again, I got mine with plenty of lead time. We had days to prep and there was no excuse for not doing so.

Watching the stupid people on-line last night and this morning has been entertaining and frustrating. Some people are just starting to ask where they can get bottled water and batteries. Another is asking someone to drive to her house this morning and drop off a "battery powered phone charger" in case the power goes out for "a couple of days."  Power loss is a given and even Entergy, the utility company, is talking 2-3 WEEKS to restore it. And then there's the guy yesterday all over local social media asking if anyone will loan him a generator and gasoline. For free. On the day before. Some people's kids...

The dogs are all visibly nervous this morning. That's interesting in itself as I'm pretty sure they haven't been watching the news. Merida and the guest dog are scrapping constantly because the guest dog is trying to establish dominance and Merida ain't having it.

At least the dishes are done and the laundry is all washed and dried. If nothing else I'm getting a lot of long-deferred cleaning done in between other tasks, so if the house doesn't blow away or flood it should at least be clean.

I'll be wearing a sidearm constantly until things get straight again. Long guns are ready too. If I have to go out for any reason, one will be coming with me. Many people evacuated but most of the knuckleheads are still here. I remember the lawlessness after Katrina. Not playing that here.

And a special shout-out to our incompetent mayor, Latoya Cantrell. She was on the news a couple days ago offering up excuses as to why she hadn't initiated a mandatory evacuation. "There wasn't time" she claims. She managed to evacuate over a thousand jail inmates two days ago though but I guess that was more important than moving out hospital patients, senor citizens or other people who might have been moved to safety by now. Two days not used to move anyone on the plethora of available buses sitting all other the place. Remember flooded post-Katrina bus yards everyone? They learned nothing from that disgrace. I hope no one dies but I wonder how many of those who may could have been moved out has our mayor had her act together.

Eating down the last of the perishable food today and tomorrow. Then it's boxed, canned and dried goods for the duration if need be. And I'll have more updates later as the situation evolves so long as I can still get on-line.


  1. Hey Murphy;

    Take care of your self and the assorted "Hamsters". As far as preps goes, some peoples kids..they don't live beyond the "today" average donk voter and I saw the news clip on CNN(Communist news Network) from da mayor saying "No Time" and I was thinking...."Really? 2 days? Empires have risen and fallen in less time" to use a phrase I coined years ago. But hey Xiden is running FEMA, so you know it will work efficiently...Keep your 2 or 3 readers informed if you don't mind, lol

  2. Appreciate the update, and hoping it doesn't get overly interesting for you. I passed on your report to someone
    in response, who might find it helpful.

  3. Standing by if needed. Do what you gotta. And I can only wonder if SHE is going to prison after the fact like Chocolate Ray did... And how big a mess the Dome is going to be THIS time.

  4. Thanks for the update. Stay cool. Remember to get a good shower before you lose water (everyone forgets to get good and clean before they lose utilities.)

  5. Looks like you've done all you can, but your betters at City Hall haven't covered themselves with glory since they can't be bothered with the six Ps. (Proper planning, etc.)
    All I can say is, Buena suerte.
