Thursday, December 29, 2005

I respond to a feminist movie critic.

OK, so I just got this e-mail stating that my movie collection is "representative of the worst aspects of macho male supremacy" and that it explains my "worship of weapons of death and mass destruction." The author suggests that I take in a few "chick flicks" to give me some "balance." She signed the e-mail "a proud feminist."

So now that I'm done chuckling, I'll respond.

First, my weapons are not "weapons of mass destruction." They are weapons of individual destruction. A good rifleman with a good rifle is a much more versatile and efficient thing than any cold, impersonal and nondiscriminatory bomb is. And my weapons are not about "death". Rather thay are either history (most are military firearms that were used in one or more conflicts around the globe in the past century) or they are working tools designed to protect and preserve my own life and the lives of those that I care about. They are actually weapons of life and I care enough about life that I practice with them frequently. I also suggest that women buy firearms and learn to use them, as women are victimized by violent criminals in this country at a much higher rate then men are.

Now as to the suggestion that I need to watch more chick flicks...

Actually I watch quite a few of them. Film maker Andy Sidaris has for years made some of the finest chick flicks in cinema history and I have forced myself to watch each and every one of them out of a sense of admiration and respect for these women. These films should be viewed by every real man, preferably in the company of other real men and quantities of good beer. So you see, my feminist pet, I don't just watch movies about tough guys shooting guns. I also watch plenty of movies about bikini-clad women shooting guns.

But I did want to thank my critic for taking the time to write. I want to make it clear that I respect all views and I'm especially glad that a feminist wrote me because I think that it's really cute when girls try to stand up for themselves like that.

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