As I'm driving my father back to the airport, I see this red Lexus SUV come up on the left and pass us. The female passenger is all wrapped up in one of those black bedsheets known as a burkha. That's all well and good I suppose, but what really caught my eye was the personalized license plates on the Lexus. They read: "SHARIA".
"You've gotta be kidding me," I thought as it passed. I noticed that the driver was wearing a ball cap and sun glasses and it was obvious that he's a proponent of that silly fundamentalist Islamic code where women are property that can be beaten for any offense and stoned for adultery. The next question that came to my mind was "what's this guy doing here driving around in a Lexus?" I mean, one would think that if he really buys into that 12th century hokum seriously enough to put it on his tags and wrap his wife up like a blackened burrito, he'd be sitting in some middle eastern country right now, wiping his butt with his left hand and not drinking a beer after a hard day of oppressing women and hating western culture. But he's not there. He's here, taking advantage of the very western culture that his obviously beloved Islam is pledged to wipe out and doing quite well for himself by the looks of his Lexus.
One would think that he'd be celebrating America since he's here living the life, but sadly, muslims who come here typically don't want to integrate and be like us. All too often they want to keep their old ways and try to convert the countries that they move to into replicas of the pestholes that they left. That's one of the other tenets of Sharia, by the way. Conquest of infidel lands by conversion. France, Germany and England are learning all about that these days. There's no denying that we're next on their agenda.
The icing on the cake was watching as another SUV pulled alongside his at the next traffic light. The back of that one was covered with pro-Israel stickers. I actually took delight in watching that one pull ahead of the Sharia-mobile when the light changed and move over into the same lane. Sharia-boy couldn't have missed those bright blue and white stickers. Yay, Israel!
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