The slack-jawed cow in the picture is Mommie Deborah. Her mouth is open as she's undoubtedly telling the police administration that they'd better pass her precious daughert this time. She obviously feels no shame about using her position in city government to force the police commission to let her daughter try over and over again--something that would not be done in the case of any other non-nepotistic candidate. And what's worse, when Deborah's precious little Erin could not pass particular parts of the training, notably the time-proven and virtually universal six foot wall climb, City Administrator Edgerly questioned whether it was fair to require women to scale a 6-foot-high wall. And bowing to her pressure, the academy dropped that requirement.
Edgerly reportedly dipped into other aspects of the training program as well, resulting in a watered down curriculum that puts less-capable officers on the street. But hey--if your whiny daughter can't work out and get in shape to pass the test like everyone else does--and if you are the City Administrator, you just force the academy to lower the bar for everyone.
And Oakland Police Chief Wayne Tucker doesn't exactly warrant a pass here. He's been kow-towing to Big Momma Edgerly every step of the way, over the objections of qualified academy instructors who have expressed frustration at giving the trainees 100% and only having Breckenridge give 10% back.
Morale is down all throughout the department, both over the administration's unheard of efforts to passs Breckenridge and the fact that despite her many failures, she's been retained in a paid, non-sworn capacity within the department. One officer called it "a slap in the face." Another said, "Why not just give her a badge and a gun and make her a captain already and just let us do our jobs."
Little Erin Breckenridge refused comment when contacted Thursday by the Chronicle. But her mother said she had never been given a fair chance to succeed.
Hello?! She already got THREE TRIES! That's two tries more than most people ever get. And sadly, every time Prima Donna Breckenridge plunks her big butt down in an academy class seat, that means that another candidate did not get called up and offered the chance. Breckenridge's poor attitude and lackluster motivation has already kept the city from adding three other officers. Please e-mail
Momma Debbie and tell her to back off and quit trying to mold the entire police department around her unqualified and incompetent daughter's desire to pack a gun and flash a badge.
I'm here to tell you, I would never accept Erin Breckenridge as my partner nor would I feel safe having to rely on her for back-up. She's an insult to qualified female applicants and everyone who has passed all of the academy's training requirements.
This is a totally bullshit article! You people don't have anything better to do than to talk shit about people who are seriously just trying to do something with their lives? You don't even have any idea about how these peoples lives are or even why Erin chose to discontinue her training in the academy. Rediculous! Come on! Don't speak on subjects that you don't have any real information on.