Friday, February 23, 2007

Democrats turn their backs on Christians

Normally I don't link to editorials, but this one by Gary Bauer over at WorldNetDaily really hit the nail squarely on the head. He makes the point that when Democratic Presidential wanna-be candidate John Edwards hired two liberal bloggers, Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan, and subsequently discovered that both were long-time anti-Christian bigots with a track record in which they smeared and mocked Christians, often with profanity-laced tirades, Edwards could not even bring himself to fire these two girls because he was more worried about upsetting the liberal blogger fringies that were rallying around the two foul-mouthed girls. And this was despite the fact that practicing Christians comprise 44% of the voting electorate, many of them the minorities and blue-collar Americans that Edwards claims to identify with.

And as if Edwards' moral cowardice wasn't bad enough, it's noteworthy that none of the other Democratic challengers opposing him had a thing to say about it themselves. Not Hillary, not Obama, or any of the others. Not a single Democrat wanted to stand up on the side of Christianity and risk incurring the wrath of a bunch of angry dateless twenty-something liberal losers. It goes a long way to describe the current Democratic stance on religion and God that not one was willing to stand up. Oh sure, when it's almost election day and they're riding high in the polls, then they'll want to stand up in the pulpits of large urban churches and pander for votes, but none of them deserves that opportunity frankly, because when those same church members were being slandered and debased by Edwards' blogger team because of their faith, not one of those Democrats was willing to object.

And Bauer makes an excellent point in his editorial when he wonders how quiet Edwards and the rest of the Democrats would have been had his bigoted bloggers regularly targeted muslims, gays or made racist comments.

So if your faith is real to you, you need to think carefully about who to back in 2008. You could back someone that represents the party that frequently puts up leaders with strong faith, like President Bush or former President Reagan, or you can vote for one of the cowards who had a chance to stand up for Christians and defend them last week but refused to do so.

The choice is yours, but who do you think that Jesus would vote for?

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