Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Every police department needs one of these.

we've seen police dogs, and police horses, but in Florida, we now have a case where a theif running from police was apprehended by what appears to be a police alligator!

OK, maybe it was more like a vigilante alligator, but still...

Apparently it all began last week in Florida when Miccosukee police, assisted by Sweetwater canine units, responded to a call on the Miccosukee Indian Reservation about vehicles being broken into. They pursued two suspects, one of whom surrendered. However the other one--obviously in competition for the 2007 Darwin awards--jumped into a large pond behind the casino, ignoring several signs that warned of live alligators.

Story has it that he was trying to swim away from the police and their police dogs. Now lots of times police dogs will jump right in the water after a suspect but I'm guessing that these police dogs read the signs and said "Ain't no way in hell we're going in there!" News reports say that witnesses were shouting to the man to swim back to shore. When the man finally spotted the alligator, eyewitnesses said he screamed but then disappeared under the water. Divers found what was left of him on the bottom of the pond the next day. (And those divers had to have some serious brass ones to be in that water after that!)

The alligator, nicknamed Pancho by reservation employees, was 9 feet long. "Some gators have a nasty disposition and he was a nasty gator," said local alligator expert Brian Woods of All American Gator. Well sadly, now Pancho is a dead gator. Florida law requires that gators that kill people be killed themselves. Apparently there's no exception for gators that thin out the scumbag criminal population or chlorinate the local gene pool.



  1. It doesn't seem fair to kill the gator for just doing what gators do. If you were a hungry gator hanging out in a pond and dinner came swimming by, what would you do?

  2. Imprimis, I note that the alligator is the Florida's official state reptile [Fla. Stat. § 15.0385].

    My question: What is the politically correct stance regarding Florida's inflexible policy of killing alligators who kill humans if you are an flaming animal rights activist who opposes capital punishment?

    Those nutroots must really, really be confused on this one!!!

  3. comment i made at my own blog, curtains, on this very subject:

    baby gators to mama gator, "what are we having for supper tonight?"

    mama gator, "oh, just dessert..."

  4. LOL!!!!!!! I could not help but laugh at this thief's fate!! Crime definitely does NOT pay!!
