Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Little Merida is stepping up

 For years, the watchdog combo in the house was Murphy and Belle. They kept eyes on everything and barked at all threats with authority, including UPS and Fed-Ex trucks, the evil mailman, and other encroaching dogs walking by. One could be back in the bedroom with me, but if the other one looking out the window in front barked, the bedroom dog would race straight to that window too, barking all the way down the hall. They were a team like that. 

And while they warned off every possible foe, Merida remained blissfully unconcerned inside her safe house bubble. Never a bark or growl from this one unless she was going after a chicken or another small dog at the dog park, before she got banned from the dog park that is. 

Since Belle’s passing, Merida has begun to assume some of her role as back-up to Murphy, even starting to bark just a bit when people come around. She’s never done this before but she’s doing it now. Not a very authoritative bark yet, as if she’s unsure if she’s allowed, but she’s getting there. 

Yesterday she arrived. 

As many folks know—or not—I’m staying in a trailer now out on my western land. My land with several open mines, which I am in the process of securing. I do have signs up right now though, like this one atop an 800-foot incline shaft. 

I was napping in my trailer yesterday, and Murphy was napping on a rug I’d bought for the dogs out front of the trailer. Merida, being weird, was sleeping in the dirt underneath my SUV on the other side of the trailer. This trailer is about a hundred yards from the open shaft above. 

Suddenly I hear Merida, still under the SUV, going “Wuf. Wuf. Wuf. Wuf…”. It was hesitant and soft but still she was barking, so I got up to check it out. 

Three nimrods had walked up onto the site and were getting ready to rig a rope to descend that shaft. 

Murphy, bless him, doesn’t hear too well any more. He missed their approach on foot just like I did. Normally people drive up and we hear them coming half a mile out. But once he figured it out about when I did, he was big dog barking and limping his way towards them with Merida alongside him. 

I got there right after they did and had a little talk with the trespassers to make sure that they understood that this is my land now and access is restricted now, then sent them on their way. But they might have gotten right by me and Murphy had lit little Merida not stepped into Belle’s role and sounded her first real alarm since she’s been with us. 

Good girl.


  1. Is it time to add a puppy to the mix? I'm trying not to give unwanted advice, but maybe? Puppy?

    1. Yep. Murphy and Merida would train a pup well!

  2. Hey Murphy;

    She done good, and those nimrods gotta be careful....ain't nothing for one of those clowns to be another statistic in the desert by falling in a mineshaft.

  3. Well done Merida!!!
